My Spoopy Experience with Sanic.exe

One day I got a package in the mail. It had no return address. It contained a disc labeled: "Free Sanic Bootleg Demo Disc!" Seeing as I had nothing else to do, I turned it on. I was confronted with a horribly spoopy MS paint drawing of a dead Sanic! It was so spoopy I shat my pants! The game wasn't any better. It was set in a horribly drawn MS paint land that looked alot like Green Hill. I was playing as Knuckles (I think) and I saw Sanic right after a Loop. I went up to Sanic, and his eyes turned into the eyes on him when he was dead. I then appeared in a really trippy place, and Knuckles died. I then saw a screen that looked like Sanic's head looking at Dead Knuckles' Corpse. I then said "Fuck This" and shut the game off. I then lived happily ever after.
Sanic came out of the TV and killed my dog. Then, he dragged me into the game.